Friday, May 23, 2008

Mice of Men (10 questions quiz)

1. Can you apply the method of how George killed Lennie?
- Yes, gun violence happens alot in my neighborhood and most of them occur from brutal shootings.

2. Could the killing of Candy's dog happened in your neighborhood?
- Not exactly, like you could kill a dog but I'm sure you would get caught especially by shooting it. But I mean it couldn't happen fully because you wouldn't be able to hide the dog in a ditch.

3. What questions would you ask of Lennie and George's friendship?
- I would relate every question to how much George actually cared about Lennie. He claimed that was almost like a brother to him but would you kill your brother that way, didn't think so.

4. From the information given, can you develop a set of instructions about how to kill a dog?
- No, because not everyone has a ditch that they could bring the dog too and not everyone has enough pride to kill an old man's only family member.

5. What factors would you change if you were the one looking after Lennie?
- I actually wouldn't leave him alone as much as George did. I also wouldn't let him have dogs, mice or near a girl that could get him into any challenging situation.

6. What do you see as other possible outcomes on George killing Lennie?
- Well, as his friend George could have protected Lennie and escaped with him to safety.

7. Can you explained what must have happened after George shot Lennie?
- He headed back to the farm and pretended he wasn't the one who shot Lennie, he had to keep his job.

8. What was the problem with Curly?
- He liked to talk about his wife in order to make the other men laugh, but he didn't like that his wife was so seductive toward the men.

9. How was the killing of a girl similar to Native Son?
- A man both killed the women after thinking they were 'seducing' them.

10. What events could have happened without Lennie killing the mouse?
- He still would have killed the dog and Curly's wife.

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